5G to be deployed commercially from 2020

Publié le 24 February 2020

According to specialists, 5G will be a major factor in the transformation of society and the economy, with applications across all services: transport, energy, healthcare, media and industrial production.

Commercial roll-out in France from 2020

Deployed commercially from 2020 in France, 5G differs from previous generations in its possible uses. In addition to telephone communications and Internet access, it includes a number of so-called “vertical” uses, applicable to healthcare, autonomous cars, manufacturing and other sectors, to name but a few. The high connectivity requirements associated with these applications mean that a new range of frequencies will need to be opened up for terrestrial coverage (using so-called millimetre frequencies), and the architecture of mobile networks will have to evolve (deployment of small antennas and use of smart antennas).

ANFR, the French National Frequencies Agency, faces a number of challenges.

The ANFR is responsible for identifying and harmonising new 5G frequency bands. It will also be responsible for supporting the deployment of new antennas, organising consultation with all stakeholders, initiating debates and public information campaigns, and overseeing the adaptation of protocols for measuring personal exposure.

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